Nov 2, 2010

Adobe Illustrator Keyboard Shortcuts For Beginner

If you are interesting with Adobe Illustrator and have the intension to learn it, then you should remember some important keyboard shortcuts.
I have highlighted some of the important Adobe Illustrator keyboard shortcuts for beginner!

1. Zoom In - Ctrl + Spacebar + Mouse Click

2. Zoom Out - Ctrl + Alt + Spacebar + Mouse Click

3. Moving Artboard (Move Zoom marquee while dragging with theZoom tool) - Spacebar + Dragging Mouse

4. Undo - Ctrl + Z

5. Redo - Ctrl + Shift + Z

6. Viewing 100% Size - Double Click Zoom Tool

7. Multiple Selection - Shift + Click to Select

8. Copy - Ctrl + C

9. Paste in Front (must copy before paste) - Ctrl + F

10. Paste in Back (must copy before paste) - Ctrl + B

11. Selection Tool - V

12. Pen Tools - P

13. Type Tool - T

14. Eyedropper Tool - I

15. Select All - Crtl + A

16. Group - Ctrl + G

17. Ungroup - Ctrl + Shift + G

18. Lock - Ctrl + 2

19. Unlock - Ctrl + Alt + 2

20. Bring Object Forward - Ctrl + ]

21. Bring Object Backward - Ctrl + [

Practice it and you will become efficient graphic designer in the future!
To get full Adobe Illustrator Keyboard Shortcuts, click here!

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